Our desire is to create spaces for people to connect, belong and grow in their relationship with God and others.


Birth through 5th Grade

Raising up this next generation to love Jesus and follow Him is something we take very seriously. Our prayer is that each child that comes in through the doors of Storyline Church would begin to see that God is at work in their story and know that God knows them and wants to be in relationship with them. We believe that we are in partnership in this with each child’s parents and family to see this come to life. Storyline Church recognizes that we are just one part and we are here to empower you as a family to continue the conversations and message of Jesus at home though the week.

Our teachings are age and developmentally appropriate, Biblically based and Christ-centered. Each week the lessons are available to you in the Parent Cue app with extended conversation starters and ways to continue to lead your child to see Jesus at work in their story though the week. Our teachers are background checked and there are always at least two leaders in a room with your kids.

Middle School

6th through 8th Grade

Middle School Ministry is a vital. While not quite young adults, they have also not lost the desire to be kids. It’s our belief that by providing an environment that is made just for this age group, students will engage more in who God has created them to be as they develop their God story. Middle School Students will join adults during our 9:30am Sunday Service. Our heart is to start a Middle School Service during our weekend service as soon as possible. Our goal is by the 1st weekend in November.

High School


High School can be a really hard season of life, filled with growth and independence. We understand that at this age most students begin to establish and own their beliefs for themselves, apart from their parents. Because of this, it is the most critical time during these years to provide them with opportunities to build a Biblical foundation of faith and see God at work in their story.

We believe that this generation is not the generation of tomorrow, they are the generation of today. God is at work in these students lives and actively empowering them to impact their family, friends and community to point them to Jesus. Because of this we empower our students to serve in areas at Storyline and begin to see their potential to make Kingdom Impact both at church and in their life. If your student would like to serve at Storyline please have them fill out a communication card and we will be in contact with them. Our goal is to launch High School ministry as soon as possible.

Worship, Sound and Media

We believe that worship is truly the only thing that we give back to God…That is our lifestyle of worship. But it begins with the opportunity to praise Him, celebrate His goodness and thank Him for who He is. We choose to focus our time of worship to be dedicated solely to His Praise.

Guest Services & Hospitality

Our desire is that every person that walks through the doors of Storyline Church would feel an authentic and genuine connection. We don’t pretend to be perfect and don’t desire or expect for anyone to walk in feeling the need to put on a fake smile. Our hope is if you come in Joyful that we are joyful with you. If you come in mourning we would mourn with you. Come as you are, share your story and hear how God is at work in the story of others around you.

Setup & Tear Down

We couldn’t be ready to welcome kids into a classroom or have a chair to sit in during the sermon without our setup and teardown team…literally we couldn't. Our team serves selflessly to setup all aspects of Storyline Church so that the rest of the volunteers can fine tune their spaces to get ready for Sunday service. It is in these spaces that we share our stories, hear how God is at work and how we are all connected to His Story.


We take the security of the church seriously. Because of this we have a team ready and willing to step in to help in any scenario.